8 Essential Strategies For Running Successful Remote Meetings

The same planning process is necessary for successful remote meetings just as it is for in-person meetings. You need to be sure of the agenda, make sure that participants have read the pre-reads, that in-meeting sharing goes smoothly and that all important points are discussed. If you’re able to exit of the meeting feeling like all of these things happened, that’s when you know that your remote team meetings are effective.

If your meetings don’t result in results, they are a waste of time and money for the entire company. Remote teams must invest in the right tools and strategies to make meetings productive. Meetings are a vital element of the process however, if they are not properly managed they can be a distraction and even harmful for distributed workers. In fact, meetings are often the largest productivity drain for globally distributed teams, especially those that have to manage different time zones.

Luckily, facilitating a fun and productive remote meeting isn’t as difficult as it appears. If you follow a few best practices, you can assist your team to be on the same page, stay focused, and be more productive in virtual meetings. Here are eight strategies for running successful remote meetings:
